What is a “Covid-19 Nigeria update“? We live in uncertain times and that can be scary. What if we promised you some form of certainty? Every day by 12 noon, we’ll bring you the latest updates on the fight against the Covid-19, both in Nigeria and Africa.
Before we get into the Covid-19 Nigeria update for the day, here’s a rundown of all the important things President Buhari said in his address to Nigerians yesterday, April 13, 2020.
You’ll recall that on March 29, about 14 days ago, President Buhari ordered a lockdown in Lagos, Ogun and the FCT. Well, the president addressed the country again and announced the extension of the lockdown in Lagos state, Ogun state and FCT by two more weeks. Other than that, here are the other things he said:
- We need to make sacrifices to limit the spread of Covid-19
- The level of compliance to the Covid-19 guidelines have been good across Nigeria.
- In the first 14 days of the lockdown, the nation was able to implement comprehensive public health measures and intensified testing, identification and so much more.

- Testing capacity is at 1,500 tests per day.
- 7000 healthcare workers have been trained in infection prevention and control.
- 1000 patients can be admitted in several treatment centers in Lagos and Abuja.
- Now that land and airport borders have been closed, the number of rising cases are mostly person-to-person contact.
- He has signed the Quarantine order.
- The government has put on palliative measures such as food distribution and cash transfers.
- Covid-19 is not a joke.
You can find more details on his speech here:
Now for the numbers:
Covid-19 Nigeria Update from the past 24 hours:
The numbers in Nigeria have been on a steady increase. As of March 17, 2020 – almost a month ago – there were only three cases but as of today, April 14, 2020, there are 343 confirmed cases. Thankfully, 91 people have been discharged. Unfortunately, there have been 10 deaths. In the last 24 hours, the NCDC reports that there are 20 new cases:
- 13 in Lagos
- 2 in Edo
- 2 in Kano
- 2 in Ogun
- 1 in Ondo
See their full report here.

NCDC also provided Covid-19 Nigeria update on the states where Covid-19 is present. Currently, it is present in 20 out of 36 states. Here’s a rundown of the numbers:

On a bigger African scale, how are we doing?
According to new reports yesterday, April 13, 2020, Melinda Gates, wife of billionaire Bill Gates said that if the world does not act fast enough, then there will be dead bodies all over the streets of Africa. While she might have said this in good fate, it easily doesn’t come off as a statement made out of concern. Especially since the data confirms that Africa is fairing better than a few other continents.
According to Coronafacts.africa, there are 15,413 cases in Africa. See below:

African leaders are doing their best to enforce social distancing, lockdowns and isolation in their countries.
Today’s dilemma or palava (or whatever you choose to call it):
Unrest in Lagos and Ogun state have increased in the past few days with armed robbers going from community to community, robbing houses, killing and raping people. If there’s any correlation to the lockdown, we can’t exactly pinpoint yet. However, it is happening and Nigerians are afraid that in addition to the fear of getting Covid-19, there’s the fear of being robbed. We do hope that the government addresses it and implements security measures to put it in control ASAP.
Drinking Pepper Soup With Lime Or Lemon Will Flush Out The Virus: Myth or Fact?
Definitely Myth. If you have a Nigerian parent, uncle or aunty, you may have come across this or a similar “cure” . While Pepper has anti-oxidants and lemon and lime contain high amounts of Vitamin – and all three are generally good for the body – there is NO EVIDENCE to support that they will flush out the virus in someone that has been infected.

Today’s Pro tip:
In the words of a wise man, “This is no joke”. Do not peddle wrong information and stay at home. It’s only for a short time. We will beat this.

Stay updated:
Head over to Zikoko’s brand new site www.coronafacts.africa for the latest and factual news on the efforts against Coronavirus.
Read how a Nigerian couple is coping with the lockdown after postponing their wedding due to Covid-19 and how one Nigerian nurse in the frontlines is brave enough to wake up every day, go to work and help fight this Covid-19.

Remember, when you come back tomorrow by 12 pm, we’ll have a new Covid-19 Nigeria update with fresh insights and good news for you.