Miss Shawarma was that one meal we couldn’t get enough of because she was just perfect.
Can’t say the same nowadays. It’s hard to put shawarma and class in the same sentence. So how did shawarma lose all her rizz?

Source: Kikifoodies
Dated food bloggers

Shawarma’s real trouble started when she was discovered by food bloggers. All the mysterious things that made her so yummy became public knowledge—no thanks to the countless videos of “How to make your own shawarma” on the interwebs.
Too much (Pitta) bread

Source: Forks and Foliage
Like hair to Samson, so is pitta bread to shawarma. The fact that you could walk into random supermarkets and buy pitta bread gave many people the idea that anyone can make shawarma.
Everywhere you go like MTN

Maybe we should blame it on the fact that Davido’s Unavailable came rather late. Every bus stop in Lagos has a shawarma stand. Take a leaf from Davido’s book babes.
Became a cheap babe

It was a little harder to buy shawarma on a whim when the least we could pay was N2500 for a serving. Can’t say the same anymore with N500 shawarma everywhere. She needs to learn from seafood okra.
Hopped on the Owambe train

Not our classy shawarma fighting for recognition with abula, ofada rice, and ewa aganyin at owambe functions. You can’t compete with the OGs like that. Leave that to small chops.
Became a people pleaser

Shawarma’s dignity was intact when she was just for beef and chicken lovers. These days? There’s seafood, noodle, jollof, suya, mushroom and all sorts. Why dear? Everyone can’t like you and that’s okay.
There’ll be loads to eat and drink at the hottest women-only party in Lagos on May 27th. Grab your HERtitude tickets here.