You can’t wait until uni is done and dusted, so you can sleep better at night and finally be free from group work, and that’s understandable. But what’s the answer to the burning question on your mind: what do you do with your life after uni?
It’s bad enough that monthly allowance will cease and you’ll miss the oddly satisfying sense of safety the university environment provides, but it is what it is.
Those feelings are totally valid, and you’re not alone. Also, don’t worry, we won’t shove advise down your throat like your African parents or village people.
1. Realise that no one has it all figured out
It might look like it, but many recent (or about-to-be) graduates like you do not have their lives figured out. Everyone is really just taking it one day at a time and supplementing with vibes. So, give yourself some credit for surviving the last four or more years in a system designed to frustrate you.

2. Be calming down
Instead of freaking out about what the future holds and how you literally have no clue what you’re doing with your life, take time out to b-r-e-a-t-h-e. Being a graduate is not beans, after all. Take a moment to reflect on your life and acknowledge your achievements.

3. Disappoint your parents
You’ve probably played by their rules for this long, and now they’ll have expectations of you “settling down” and getting a good job.

4. Write a goodbye letter to that one lecturer
You know the one we’re referring to. Every university has that one lecturer who made school a living nightmare. Write to let them know your God is bigger than them.

5. Become a full-time sugar baby
Now that your parents will likely cut back on allowances and student privileges, you need a new source to foot your “adulting” bills. Start writing your “sugar baby available” ad now o!

6. Japa
Now that nothing urgent ties you to this country, you can japa to the abroad. Either for another degree, enjoyment, travel, or to pursue a career. Here are some japa destinations, a guide for japa-ing and how to let people know you have japa-ed when you do.

7. Slide into your year-one crush’s DM
You’ve been eyeing that person since first year, so why not go ahead and ask them on a date? Take risk and succeed!

8. Look for internship opportunities
If you feel like you’re ready to face the post-uni life head-on, then an internship would be a great way to garner experience in the workforce. Sha don’t let anybody use your head in the name of internship. Have you seen the price of sardine?

9. Ask for an apology
Yes, the person who invented school and all the stress that comes with it seriously needs to apologise.

10. Network

QUIZ: Which Nigerian University Should You Have Attended?

It’s easier said than done. So, read this article to find out how you can fake it till you make it in life.