It’s been two months and chances of Nigerian schools reopening are still pretty slim. Schools across the country were closed to control the spread of the coronavirus in Nigeria. Anyway, we reached out to some Nigerian students and they talked about how much they look forward to going back to school.
Oiza – Ahmadu Bello University
I understand why schools had to be closed, but I’d rather be anywhere but this house. It’s hard enough to study in school, but it’s almost impossible to do that at home. My friends and I even had a study arrangement that lasted for a week. Maybe online learning facilities would have made the difference if they were available, I guess we will never know.

I’m tired of this house. Stress. No power. No privacy. Every single move I make is judged with one impossible standard. I’m cut off from people who understand. It’s very messed up and I’m tired. I’ve lost count of the number of times I’ve cried. I’m prepared for the Fs I’ll have after this extended break. It’s like ASUU strike, except you can’t blame the FG this time. I’m really looking forward to returning to school and getting my freedom back. Go on late night walks with friends. And oh, did I mention the school Wi-fi?
Gamaliel – University of Lagos
News of the closure was a punch to the gut. I knew I would be cut off from my allowance and that didn’t sound like it would be fun for me. Besides, home is somewhat far, so getting myself here was a chore. At the moment, I’m running on pure vibes. Do I want schools to reopen? Absolutely! That would make my life easier. I would get my allowance back, to start with. Then my freedom. And I would be reunited with my girl. Strangely enough, I miss everything about school — the lectures, the tests and exams. I’ve now realised that I love education so much.
Eseosa – University of Port Harcourt

You should have seen how eager I was to go home when this entire thing started. To me, home meant one important thing — food. Everything was great for a while, but now I know the novelty has worn off and it’s beginning to look like a punishment. I’m not going to lie, my school work has suffered. I’ve spent close to two months at home and I only started studying this week. So yes, the only place I want to be right now is my school. The best thing that could possibly happen to me right now is Nigerian schools reopening. For starters, I miss my friends, ugh! I miss living alone, I can’t take the see-finish in this house anymore.
Rebecca – Kwara State University
I was livid when the school got closed. I mean, corona is not yet to play, but I was supposed to begin exams in a week, and everything got cancelled. That was really painful. I’m too comfortable at home, and it’s affecting how I study. And I don’t think virtual learning would have helped because physical classes are not 100 per cent effective at all times, now what are the chances that virtual learning would do better? Anyway, I have only one wish at the moment — and it is for schools to reopen, so I can write my exams and get it over it.
Rajunor – University of Calabar
For some reason, I didn’t think this situation was going to last this long. I wasn’t even going to come home as I didn’t see the point. But here we are. I’m doing a lot of things at home, but studying is not one of them. There’s always one thing to do or the other. I won’t say I’m excited about returning to school right now though. I’m really indifferent about it. But if it happens, I excited about attending lectures. We’ve lost a lot of time already, so I know there’s going to be quite a rush when the school gates are finally open. It’s somewhat scary, but I think I’m prepared for that.