300 level is an important phase in the Nigerian university experience for anyone in a four-year undergraduate programme. Yes, the excitement of graduation is in the air, but it’s also time to write your final year project.

While writing the thesis itself is challenging, the first shege you’ll battle is choosing a topic that aligns with your course of study or future academic aspirations. From the fear of countless rejections to the anxiety of project supervisor reveals, every 300 level student will relate to this article.
The supervisor reveal

This part is crucial because it can make or mar the project writing experience for you. If it’s a lecturer you want, good for you. If the lecturer is the devil’s advocate, you’ll see premium shege.
Searching Google for research topics

Your supervisor has asked you to submit project topics, and you head straight to Google to find them. The good thing is, you’ll find a plethora of topics until your fellow course mates have the same topics, and then it’s back to square one.
When every topic has been written about

Google says there’s no new topic. The old projects in your school library say everything has been written about. But you know who wouldn’t believe this? Your supervisor. And most times they’re right because there’s still a ton of stuff to write about.

The pressure doesn’t hit after the first and second rejections of your project topic. The real pressure starts when your course mates are submitting their chapter one drafts, and you still don’t have a project topic. God, abeg.
When your supervisor is interested in your topic

This can mean a good thing or a bad thing. It’s good if you’re an academic badass because the supervisor will go the extra mile to make sure that project bangs. If you’re a struggling student, that supervisor will stress your life with corrections and rewrites.
“Go and write your proposal”

In your project writing journey, this is the first sentence that’ll sound like music to your ears because it means a project topic has been approved. Just make sure you write a killer proposal because things can still go south.
The big “Why?”

Consider this your first mini project defence. Your supervisor will want to know why you’ve chosen a particular topic, and if you stutter in your explanation, they’ll assume you’re paying someone to write the project. And this is bad for you.
Read this next: How to Kill a Wicked Final-Year Project Supervisor with Kindness