Have you ever been broke in school? Down to your last cash, and no means of help in sight? Then this list will bring back memories of endurance and longsuffering.
1) Exercise
It’s not every time you get in a bus or a car. Sometimes, you cruise with your legedes benz. You just want to feel the sun on your back again. It’s not like you’re broke

2) Food
You get adventurous with your food options. When you’re broke is when you start combining corn and bread, garri and vegetable, etc. We will be praying for your stomach

3) Borrowing
Whatever you need that you don’t have? You’d borrow. Textbook? Hanger? Hot plate? BORROW. Borrow borrow make you fine, and who doesn’t want to be fine?

4) Hard work
If you used to take your clothes to get washed before, suddenly you’d remember your great grandfather was a clothes washer in his past life. Laziness be gone.

5) Friendship
You disappear immediately after class now, before one of your friends decide that’s when they want to try a new bukka that opened last week. Anytime you see your friends, you run