The love stories on Bridgerton might seem unrealistic, but if you follow this guide, your chances of getting a relationship like Kate and Anthony’s move from a 5 to a strong 25%.
Both of you must swim in money

First and most important: you and your partner must come from insane money. You’ll need the time to actually be each other’s “bane of my existence, and object of my desires.”
Choose to love the person

People are annoying, we know. But the only way to get love like in the story books is by choosing to love them deeply every single day. With that much passion, they’ll have no choice but to love back.
Big declarations of love

Not every time, “Have you eaten”. Sometimes, “I cannot breathe when you are not near. My heart calls your name.” So they know how deep your love is.
Overcome a challenge together

It really doesn’t matter what it is. As long as you both get through a life-or-death issue as a unit, you’re one step closer to being the Charlotte to their George.
Be bad communicators

For some reason, the only way to have a fairytale romance is to be a shit communicator. So the next time you want to talk and iron out an issue with your significant other, shut your mouth and let it stew.
Unresolved trauma

This shouldn’t be hard. Just think of your daily life as a Nigerian. Something’s bound to trigger you, and there you go. Now, you have a reason to avoid your partner and have them fight for your love.
Be the Wonder Woman to their Superman

You must have a strong desire to save your significant other from themselves. This might require you to yell out the occasional “I will stand with you between the Heavens and the Earth”. But what’s love if you can’t continuously pull your partner from the edge?
Steamy hot chemistry

What did you think Daphne Bridgerton meant when she said, “I burn for you”? You both have to be able to burn down the room with a single stare.