People who choose to watch an ongoing K-drama instead of a finished one are God’s strongest soldiers. We know you’re one of them and will relate to these avoidable struggles.
Insane cliffhangers
When you binge-watch a completed drama, and an episode ends on a cliffhanger, you can just click on the next one, and your chest will stop being tight. But with ongoing ones, you get to sit with all your anxiety for a whole week, only to meet another cliffhanger at the end of the new episode. Fun stuff.

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Delayed episode
As if the weekly anxiety isn’t enough, the producers can decide to delay a new episode release for numerous reasons. Completed shows would never do that to you.

Online spoilers
If you don’t watch an episode as soon as it’s released, or after the day of grace some people try to give, just forget it. Spoilers at every turn, and there’s nothing you can do about it.

You might forget about the show
Especially if it’s not a weekend drama. You may lose interest or forget about the show because you started watching something else to fill your time.

Getting scammed by a false leaked episode
When you see all the fake sites saying they’ve leaked the new episode, against your better judgment, you’ll open it. Only to be met with the worst edit in the history of edits.

The withdrawals
Imagine going through all the above struggles only for the drama to have the audacity to end. Now, you don’t know what to do with yourself after ten weeks of watching the same show.

Restarting the cycle
Do you think people who put themselves through weeks of emotional turmoil would just stop? No nau. You’ll still find a new show, watch it weekly and wonder why you lowkey don’t have a life.

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