In a land full of mediocre entertainment and a time of boredom, the destiny of Nigeria’s once-great television show lineup rests on the shoulders of a new riveting drama series. Its name…

Halita: Battle Angel. LMAO. We kid. It’s just ‘Halita’.
Halita is the hottest soap opera on TV right now. And because we love you and want nothing for you but the best, we’re here to give you 4 reasons you should be watching this small screen masterpiece (if you don’t already).
1) The show’s setting:

The show is set in the northern part of Nigeria and showcases northern culture better than most.
2) The theme of women empowerment:

Halita taking matters into her own hands and leaving her village (and a less-than-reputable suitor) is a subtle dig at the rampant sexism and misogyny in Nigeria and the world at large. It teaches the viewers that women should be left to make their own decisions.
3) The Cast:

Fast-rising Nollywood actress and model, Chisom Gabriella, expertly plays the lead role. Ummi Ahmed, Boma Elamiena, Eddy Madaki, etc make up the rest of the stellar cast.
4) The word of mouth has been great.

The show (currently in its 2nd season) airs on Africa Magic Family (DStv channel 154 and GOtv channel 2) every weeknight at 7 PM.