You said that you would read more this year in your new year resolution. And the year before that. And the one before that too. See, I’m not blaming you. Making out time to read in the middle of adulting can be a lot to ask. Still, if you don’t read, your brain pretty much remains the same and we nuh want that. Here are 7 tips to help you make more time for reading
1. Make reading a regular part of your routine
You’ll probably never get time to just leisurely read like you used to. Deliberately creating time to read is one of the best ways to reach your reading goals. Wake up 15-30 minutes earlier or go to bed later than usual while you read a chapter or two and you’ll be surprised how much ground you could cover.

2. Read during your commute
Reading seems so hard because you spend a lot of your time getting to and fro school or work. If you don’t drive, spending the time reading might actually help you read more, asides from making it a regular part of your routine.

3. Try audiobooks.
If you find yourself with too little time, then audiobooks are awesome for you. Just plug your ears and let the book be played to you while you work, eat, play or think about your life.

4. Always have a book handy
When you always have a book with you, you’ll be surprised how much idle time you’d actually spend reading the book; in the queue at the supermarket, or in a waiting room. If you’re waiting to see a doctor in a Nigerian hospital, you’ll need three books.

5. Set a goal
Having a goal of reading a number of pages or chapters per day can drive you to read more consistently.

6. Join a book club
Book clubs are great for many reasons; they encourage you to finish your book by a certain date, they keep you accountable and lastly, help you decide what to read next.

7. Have a reading partner
Having someone to read and share your thoughts about the book is an even better way to read more consistently. Having someone to keep you accountable will help you reach your reading goals.

8. Replace bad habits with reading time
This is the textbook definition of killing two birds with one kola nut, or whatever the ancestors used to say. If you’re trying to quit smoking, use social media lessor get your mind off someone that’s bad for your health, use the time to read instead. It’ll help you reach your reading goals while helping you kick the bad habit (or person) out of your life.

9. Get good book recommendations
There’s nothing worse than getting stuck in a boring book. Getting recommendations from people whose tastes your trust on what to read next can help you keep jumping from one good book with another.