If you grew up with only sisters, chances are, you’ll be getting some nice memories and flashbacks as you read this
1. Makeovers and Dress-ups

Growing up, if your sisters were ever bored, you already knew it was time for a complete makeover. You would say you didn’t want it, but you low-key did. We know.
2. When your guy friends say your sister is hot

They would even just say this randomly, just to trigger you, but once they did, it’s on! “LEAVE MY SISTER ALONE”
3. Dolls everywhere

These things would just be lying everywhere and whenever you asked for a toy car, you would be told to focus on your studies. This life no balance.
4. Watching fights

One sister would slim-fit the other sister’s dress and that house would go up in flames. Grab your popcorn and enjoy.
5. Getting hairdos

They would also use your hair to practice for the future when they would become hairdressers. Not a bad experience at all.
6. Hair pins everywhere

These things were fucking everywhere! You would even find them in your own room. And they were always annoying and oily.
Hello, Zikoko fam. Something for men by men is coming to Z!