Primary school may have stressed you out at the time, but now that you’re older and wiser (and have experienced small capitalism), you’re actually best equipped to kill it.
You can come first this time

When you brag to your kids about coming first when you were in their class, this time, it won’t be a lie.
Nobody can beat you

Your teachers will be dragging age with you so the fear you had for them once won’t even exist. Even if you don’t do your homework, they’ll only beg you to do the next one.
Automatic prefectship

There’s no way you’ll be in a class with a couple of 10-year-olds, and you won’t be made senior prefect. You are the oldest, smartest, and most mature, so why not?
You get to have an actual break time every weekday

Playing around during break time without a worry in the world was amazing. Wouldn’t it be nice to experience it again?
You need rest

You’re getting old and Nigeria has stressed you enough. Primary school was when you had the most rest. It’s time to go back to maximise it.
You don’t have to buy clothes

Uniform >>> You now have the perfect excuse not to spend money on clothes. Don’t thank me; I do it out of the goodness of my heart.
You need colour in your life

One thing primary school classes always have going for them is the great interior decor. The colourful paintings and bags all over the walls is exactly what you need.
Speaking of paintings, you finally get the chance to have fun sip and paint sessions at HERtitude 2023. Click here to get your tickets.