If you’ve been on Twitter long enough, you must have seen Zikoko writers source for subjects on the TL by putting out journo requests. But because Nigerian Twitter users have coconut heads, it quickly became a thing for people to create fake journo requests and add “It’s for a Zikoko article.”
I mean, look at these tweets.
1. How to spot a thief 101.

2. This is so… detailed.

3. Even though, even though!

4. Ozzy, why?

5. All this person needs is a gun and a facemask and none of us are safe.

6. Okay, but if you have, please DM us.

7. I would love to read this article, because this sapa is real.

8. This person needs to be flogged because garri and beans is a banger.

9. High risk, high reward.

10. Shoot your shot, but wear a Zikoko bulletproof.

11. This person has no fear of God and it shows.

12. LMAO!

13. Sources say this person is now in Dubai getting shat on.