We know it’s not the Olympics but it felt that way as a teenager in secondary school. The sports, the competition, the joy of winning, and the pain of defeat. Secondary school inter-house sports had everything. Apart from Yellow House always coming last, here are the type of people you’ll find at every school’s inter-house sports.
The all-rounders
These ones can run, march, jump and play football. It’s almost as if they were created for sports.

The sprinters
All they care about is winning the races. The 100 metres gold is all that’s on their mind. The rest of the house should go and hustle their own medals.
Those waiting for teachers’ race
They don’t care about the whole ceremony. They just wanted to watch their Intro-tech teacher tumble to the ground in the sack race.
The Couples
When everyone else is all about their house position these ones are usually boo’d up laughing at inside jokes and not paying attention to the races.
Cheerleaders association
Every house needs a supporting cheer group. They’re always loud and notice everything, even drawing the attention of the officials to the things they missed.
The march past commander
This person turns the march past into a military parade ground. They take their jobs a little too seriously.
Kings and Queens
Usually at the front of the march-past parade, waving their hands and feeling fly in their house colours.
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