Every 22 March, the world celebrates World Water Day, but things are not as they seem
Right now, the United Nations says it’s facing the worst humanitarian crisis since it was created in 1945, and 4 major countries will be affected by drought, famine and ultimately starvation
1. Those countries include: Nigeria
Northern Nigeria as well as the Lake Chad region is at serious risk. After suffering from terror attacks, extreme conditions may cause millions to die, including children. In some communities, all the toddlers have died, and adults are too weak to even walk.
2. Somalia
Somalia has suffered from terror-related conflict just like Northern Nigeria and in 2011, it suffered severe famine. Now, more than one million children under the age of 5 may die due to malnutrition this year.
This woman had to walk for two days before she was finally able to drink water. pic.twitter.com/IprIL1zY3V
The World’s youngest country, South Sudan’s famine is described as ‘handmade’, because of the 3-year-long civil war the country is currently facing. 7.4 million people need aid and 270,000 children face imminent death if they don’t get assistance.
4. Yemen
Yemen is the poorest Arab nation, but Saudi Arabia and Iraq are supporting two opposing factions that want to control the Yemeni government. The conflict has affected more than 12 million Yemenis who currently need both water and food.
Want to help?
UNHCR, Mercy Corps, Save The Children, UNICEF are some of the aid organisations helping to fight the crisis. Visit their websites for more information on how to donate.