If the comedy is set in a rich home, these are the rules to follow.
1. First things first. Mr. Ibu has to be in it.

2. His name in the movie will be Mr. Ibu and you must have him play a gateman or driver.

3. Have there be an amebo housegirl that the driver/gateman can gossip with from time to time.

4. The gateman must flirt with the housegirl in every scene they’re in together and the housegirl will PLAYFULLY reject his advances.

If the comedy is set in a village, these are the rules to follow.
5. If the movie’s main characters are poor, have them be uneducated too. Make their illiteracy really obvious by having them speak nonsense English from time to time.

6. The man must be a womanizer who is stingy to his family but gives the little money he makes to all his side chicks.

7. Because of the stingy womanizing husband, the wife must be a nagger.

8. To make the lives of the poor family worse (funnier), make them have one son who keeps getting in trouble because of “get rich quick schemes”.

If the comedy is set in a Nigerian university, these are the rules to follow.
9. The main character must be a young girl. A new student in 100 level.

10. The actress playing the main character MUST be obviously older than a real life 100 level student.

11. She must be from one of the three major tribes in Nigeria Make her tribe really obvious by giving her an intense native name.

12. Make her nice and naive so eventually she’ll join bad gang.

13. Have something terrible (almost) happen to her so she will change her life and go back to being a good girl.

Now that you know the rules to making a comedy movie in Nollywood, read this next article that details how to fall in love according to Nollywood.
The Nollywood Guide To Falling In Love