Nobody is more disrespected in Nigeria than a housewife, and we’ve picked today to fight for them. If you are guilty of telling housewives any of these thirteen things, we are warning you now, better stop it.
“Why are you always tired? What do you even do all day that you are tired”

“So you just seat at home from morning till night, you are enjoying o”

“So you mean you don’t work? Your husband must be really taking care of you o”

“But what you are doing is not even hard now”

“Oh you are bored? Tell your husband to open shop for you now”

“I wish I was like you, so so enjoyment”

“Why are you complaining about being a housewife, is your husband not taking care of you?”

“You don’t know how lucky you are that you don’t have to work”

“Don’t you want to get yourself a ‘real’ job?”

“So when are you going back to work?”

“But your kids go to school now, what do you now do all day?”

“You should find something to do with all this your free time”

“Me, I could never be a housewife sha”