1. When you buy something and you hear “oga make I keep the change”

Don’t let the devil use you.
2. When someone invites you to go and eat but says “bring your wallet”

Thanks. I’m not hungry.
3. “The Aso Ebi will be N35,000 and N9,000 for gele”

I think I have something similar at home.
4. When it is time to buy Christmas gifts for people

I don’t really celebrate Christmas like that.
5. When you walk into a shop but the prices are not smiling

“Do you have the golden reddish brown color?”
6. When your friends ask you when next you are going to the club

I always have malaria every friday night please.
7. When you get asked why you are single

Relationships are expensive abeg.
8. When you are driving past Chicken Republic or KFC

There is rice and new stew at home.
9. What your phone charger looks like

Because, it is still working.
10. You, at any owambe now that tomato don cost

Leave me o! Let me just do breakfast, lunch and supper here.
11. When you see an indicator light on the dashboard of your car

After I pray and anoint the car, it will be okay.
12. How you feel when it’s time to pay your rent and bills at the same time

My God, why?
13. When you see an item you really want

I still have one at home I am managing.
14. When you hear the price for a show is N10,000 for a regular ticket

I don’t think I will be able to make it.