1. When he checks every criteria on your list:

2. And he isn’t in a relationship, engaged or married.

3. Five minutes later, you start planning your wedding.

4. How you look at him when he’s not looking:

5. You turn to a klutz when he’s around.

6. You start to sweat when he looks at you.

7. You try to flirt with him, but only end up looking like this:

8. And he’s like:

9. So you give yourself a pep talk every time you’re about to go see him:

10. You trying to hide your feelings for him:

11. And you debate telling him how you feel about him:

12. Then you start to write in your diary.

13. And you tell your girls about him:

The girl squad!
14. Then your friends start to look at him like:

15. You when you finally decide to tell him how you feel:

16. You start to drop subtle hints:

17. How you laugh at all his jokes:

18. You take extra care to listen to everything he says.

19. Your stomach starts to hurt from all the butterflies in it.

20. Your chest starts to do “gbim gbim” when he’s around.

21. He’s on your mind all the time.

22. And all you’re thinking is:

23. You give every girl he talks to the stink eye.

24. When he pays you a compliment, you go to bed like:

25. You when he finally asks you on a date: