1. When you enter SS3 and it’s time for the school to choose prefects.

Please God, let them pick me.
2. You, if your juniors had to be the ones to vote for the prefects.

Ejoor vote for me.
3. You, at the badging ceremony.

4. When the head girl and head boy start behaving like it’s only their own posts that matter.

All prefects matter.
5. When you got chapel prefect and you couldn’t stab service anymore.

Why me?
6. When you remember all the juniors who had been rude to you.

I will deal with you.
7. After you become a prefect and you send a junior and he says no.

Is this one mad?
8. When the whole school does something but only the prefects are being punished.

9. You and all the prefects after you’ve finished serving punishment for the school.

You will all learn!
10. When someone calls you supervisor instead of prefect.

11. When you’re the food prefect and so everybody wants to be your friend.

Do I know you?!
12. When you thought being a prefect meant you could wake up late but you had to be up before the rest of the school.

Someone cannot sleep again!
13. When your mates that you didn’t even like start famzing you so that your power can rub off on them.

Don’t let the devil use you.
14. When you become a prefect and nobody is trying to use provisions to bribe you.

Why is my own different?
15. When you’re the labour prefect and the juniors don’t do their work so the principal asks you to do it.

Just know you’re dead.
16. When you’re the socials prefect so you’re only supposed to work once a week.
