1. “You’re so skinny, do you even eat?”

No. I survive on water and oxygen.
2. “Let me carry you, I’m sure you don’t have any weight”

Of course. I am not made of matter. I have no weight and I occupy no space.
3. “Look at you, you’re just skin and bones”

Hello! Who asked you?
4. “Tini beku…longitude”

Just…shut up. Like, shut up.
5. “Your stomach is so flat it’s like a table”

Come and draw on it now. Oya, come.
6. “Why are you exercising? Do you want to disappear?”

Because they told you exercise is for only fat people abi?
7. “You should be a model”

You should just keep quiet. So because I am skinny means I have a career in modelling abi?
8. “But why are you so skinny?”

Like, why? Just answer me.
9. “You should be eating more”

You should be minding your business.
10. For women: “Don’t worry, when you get pregnant you’ll become fatter”

Who asked you?
11. For men: “Don’t worry, when you get married you’ll become fatter”

Can you mind your business?