People always say, “Don’t pit two bad queens against one another”, but since we love chaos over here, we just had to. While Christmas is a fun holiday filled with rocks and enjoyment, there’s something about Easter that just makes it the superior girl. When you really think about it, being raised from the dead is a bigger flex than being born.
Here are other reasons why Easter is just a much better holiday than Christmas.
1. You don’t have to travel anywhere

Imagine travelling anywhere in these hard times. With which money? One major reason why we love Easter is that it’s a very stress-free holiday. You get time off from work, and you don’t have to spend half of that time planning a trip or packing a bag. We stan a flexible queen.
2. Probably the cheapest holiday that involves Jesus

Omo, Christmas is expensive. Let’s not even pretend. Christmas spending and preparations start the moment we start breathing in the cool December air. You have to buy new fits, send money to your family, pay for your journey back home, and it’s not even your birthday. But with Easter, all you need is your house, a bottle of wine, one chicken and two cups of rice. Very simple and cost-effective.
3. Church praise and worship will slap extra because the holy spirit is in the air

Celebrating the birth of a child is cute, but you see the resurrection of someone who allegedly died for three days. Come on, that’s a milestone mehn. While Christmas praise and worship do usually slap, the one you’ll experience at Easter service bangs harder than a Davido feature (sorry OBO, the game is the game).
4. The sermon is not too long

Easter church services are not like Christmas church services where the pastor’s sermon is longer than two Indian films. This time around, the pastor understands that this is not a long holiday and we’re all trying to make the most out of it, so he’ll do his best to respect himself. If your pastor doesn’t follow this rule, stand up mid-service and start singing “Time no dey” from Runtown and Uhuru’s The Banger. Don’t worry, God will understand.
RECOMMENDED: Pros And Cons of Spending Easter With Your Family
5. You get to hang out with the family members you actually like

Since you’re not travelling back home, there’s a very small chance you’ll run into that nosy auntie that’s always asking about your imaginary husband. For Easter, you get to trim your invite list. Unlike Christmas where people can legitimately claim to be pissed you didn’t invite them to your party, Easter vibes are pretty chill, so you can invite the people who make you happy and the others can choke.
6. No need for unnecessary decorations

Christmas tree? We don’t know her. Light, sparkles and socks? Not here, please. No need to stress yourself setting up or taking down decorations. Complete peace of mind.
7. Plenty of time to catch up on Zikoko content without distractions

Unlike Christmas where you’re constantly distracted by all the relatives you have to greet, or all the plates you have to wash, Easter is more peaceful and less hectic. Do you know what that means? You can catch up on all your favourite Zikoko flagships and all the hilarious content you missed while you were busy chasing the bag. True or false? Tell us in the comments!
ALSO READ: The Meaning of Easter and How It Affects My Faith