New to Ilorin and it’s ways? Heads up: if you spot any of these signs hold your money tight and run till your heels touch the back of your head.
Please don’t say you weren’t warned.
1. If you see bushes around the house
That’s where you’ll see different species of insects, frogs, alligator, thieves and other scary things you don’t want to encounter at night. Anyone of them can come for you from the depths of those bushes. You know what to do, dear. Run.

2. If you see people sitting/standing outside
Just know getting a strong network signal will be a big problem. All those people outside are looking for network. To be on the safe side, turn your data on when you are checking houses.

3. If the house is in Oke-oba or Oke-odo
They won’t want to cast themselves, but majority of the people who stay in these areas regret paying a dime to their landlords. Not only will you hustle for shuttle, but when it rains, it’s not a pleasant sight to behold.

4. If the agent is on your neck to pay ASAP
He has most likely inflated the house rent. Once that money enters his account, that’s the end. You will have to fast and pray and fast for fourteen days before he answers your calls if there’s any issue.

5. If they don’t have a prepaid metre or transformer
Your forefathers did not go through the Dark Ages for you to come and be sleeping in darkness. Leave that place fast and never look back.

6. If the current occupants say, “It’s okay” when you ask for feedback
“It’s okay” here translates to: we are suffering and regret paying for this house, but come and join us in the misery while we smile in pain.

7. If it’s far from any main junction
How will you get bike or keke in urgent situations? No matter what the agent tells you, it’s all lies. If you rent that house, the sole your shoes will wear out from trekking like this:

8. If it’s a three or more story building
There’ll be frequent water shortages. Imagine washing your face while bathing and water ceases because your neighbor on the third floor is washing clothes. Useless house. Just make sure you are fine while going to fetch water from God-knows-where incase you meet the love of your life.