Admit it. You ate some really insane snacks as a child. You got away with all that because children are God’s natural crackheads and can survive anything. But if you try eating some of those things now, your organs will shrivel up and die, causing your body to pack up. Why? Because adulthood is the ghetto and your body weakens as you get older.
Here are six snacks from your childhood that’ll probably kill you (or at least, cause you immense pain as your body struggles to digest and process them).
1. Baba dudu

Remember when you would buy one roll of baba dudu after school and just lick away your sorrows until your jaw starts to ache? Well, those memories better be enough for you, because if you eat baba dudu now, you’re getting a trip to the dentist and/or multiple trips to the toilet.
2. Nutri C/ Eve

Why did our parents let us drink this? That thing could feed a party of 30 people, and we were out here pouring two sachets into our 50cl water bottles. Jesus Christ. The concentration!
3. Goody Goody

Honestly, Goody Goody tasted great. If I could actually find it to buy, I’d have some again. But if adult me eats as much Goody Goody as I did when I was a child, I’d end up in the ER and ICU ASAP. My body would simply disintegrate. And all that sticking to my teeth shit? Not worth it.
4. For some reason, milk (or any dairy products)

Sometimes, I walk up to a mirror and ask myself, “How can your weakness be milk?” It doesn’t make any sense. One moment, you’re drinking milk in your cornflakes as a child, the next, you’re cancelling plans because the yoghurt you had three days before is quite literally kicking your ass. God, please.
5. Telephone Juice

This thing tasted like they rinsed the containers of a factory that made juice and then added gutter water to it. Why did we enjoy it so much?
6. Robo Robo

This thing was M&M’s that never made it out of the hood. Amazing stuff, though. 10/10 would definitely recommend (to an adult trying to get cavities).
QUIZ: If You Can Recognise 10/13 Of These Candies, You Need To See The Dentist