Short of giving them hard currency or a loaded gift basket, heartfelt messages are one of the most thoughtful ways to welcome your friends and family into the month of Ramadan. If you need help crafting Ramadan messages to loved ones, we’ve got you covered.

Photo source: Pinterest
Ramadan messages to your friends
Whether you want to usher them into the month of Ramadan or inspire them during the hunger strike, these messages will do the job.

Photo source: Pikbest
“Ramadan Kareem”
It translates to “generous Ramadan” and it’s the simplest way to wish them well in the holy month.
“Your iftar is on me”
Want your gees to know you’re really thinking about them? Let them know you’ll cover what they’ll eat to break their fast.
“May your fasting feel fast”
Send these to friends who hold time to ransom during Ramadan. No better way to give them small perspire to maguire.
“Wake up. It’s time for suhoor”
Send this message around 4:30 a.m. every day for those friends who oversleep and might miss the morning meal AKA suhoor.
“If I’ve ever wronged you, please, forgive me as we enter the month of Ramadan, and I’ll forgive you too”
Is it even Ramadan if you’ve not sent or received this message from your friends?
“May Allah accept your Ibadah”
Ibadah means “worship”, and fasting is considered a form of worship. This is a nice message to send after each day’s fast.
“May this month fill your heart with mercy. May your soul become kind. May politeness take over your arrogance. And may this Ramadan be your guide in life.”
Send this to friends who’ve taken “stay wicked” a little too far.
“Salaim alaikum. You’re welcome to share iftar with me and my family tonight”
Know a friend who’s spending Ramadan alone? You should light up their day with this message inviting them to break the day’s fast with you.
“Wishing you a healthy and holy fast”
No better way to tell your friends you wish them the strength to keep sin at bay during Ramadan.
“May Allah touch and shape your heart. Ramadan Mubarak to you”
This one is for friends who struggle with their faith.
Ramadan messages to your loved ones
Don’t let see-finish be the reason why you don’t craft a thoughtful Ramadan message to your family members. These ones should get you started.

Photo source: Google
“Wishing you a Ramadan filled with Allah’s abundant Rahmat, overflowing Barakat, and a fasting experience that brings you closer to Him”
Send this heartwarming message to your loved ones at the start of Ramadan.
“Sending you strength and positive vibes as you observe your fast“
Send this to your loved ones who struggle to keep up with the long hours of hunger required during Ramadan.
“O you who believe! Fasting is prescribed to you as it was prescribed to those before you, so that you may learn self-restraint”
Send this Quran 2:183 verse to motivate your loved ones to stay on track.
“May you see the last of it and many more Ramadans to come”
Ramadan comes once a year, so let your loved ones know you want to witness the month with them for as long as you can.
“May your love, service and sacrifice during the holy month keep Jannah’s doors open for you forever”
Send this prayer as a Ramadan message to your loved ones to encourage them weeks into the holy month.
“May almighty Allah accept your supplications”
It’s a simple prayer for almighty Allah to grant their heart’s desires as they fast.
“Sending you prayers for a smooth and successful fast today. May Allah bless you”
Every fasting day tests the strength and faith of Muslims. This message is a thoughtful way of encouraging your loved ones.
“Jummah Mubarak and Ramadan Kareem. I wish you a peaceful and rewarding Ramadan. May Allah accept your fasts and prayers”
Send this message on Fridays, the day of the jummah prayer.
“O Allah, forgive us for our sins and accept us into your bounties and joys. Give us the strength to combat sin because we are weak”
Ramadan is all about seeking forgiveness. This message does just that.
“Let the abstinence from negativity during Ramadan continue always”
A gentle way to remind them that their good ways shouldn’t stop with the end of the holy month.
Read this next: What Essential Items Should Make Your Ramadan Gift Basket This Year?