Layi Wasabi is either waxing lyrical on Obasanjo’s internet or giving you the next meme material that perfectly fits your situation.
We’ve taken the trouble (actually, delight) of compiling some of the most relatable Layi Wasabi memes. Let’s dig into them.
You’re telling lies but go ahead

Useful when you have your opps by the balls.
Are you okay?

Use this one when someone is moving mad.
Wrap it up

When you can’t deal with their bullshit.
Sinzu spending

For that tight-fisted rich friend.
What life is this?

When your 9-5 is threatening to unalive you.

For that person who asks you for advice but never uses them.
Slap the flap

When you want them to feel the wrath of your anger from the keyboard.

If you need to beg for your life.

This is that one meme that fits every situation. You don’t need to say too much.
Very funny

This one is for when you want to speak in sarcasm.

When you want to motivate your broke friends.

This Layi Wasabi meme is all you need when you nab a thieving modafucker.
Let’s cook

When you want to say “I’m ready” but with a meme.
A faithful man

When you want to dissociate yourself from cheating.
Not my business

This Layi Wasabi meme is the best response to getting pulled into what you have zero idea about.
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