As a Nigerian man who is an average cook, I know how real the struggle can be. So, I made a list of things that you’ll relate to if you love mixed vegetables and feel a sense of pride whenever you add green pepper to anything.
1. You, trying to decide between cooking rice and spaghetti again:

It can only be one or the other.
2. Your not-so-secret weapon:

What’s a meal without this?
3. How you feel after adding green pepper to anything:

The chef jumped out.
4. You, bragging to everyone about how great your Indomie is:

“No one does it like me.”
5. When you boil water without burning the house down.

The husband material is abundant.
6. You, adding every seasoning you find in the house:

Nothing must waste.
7. You, after adding two sausages to anything:

You can never go wrong with sausages.
8. Your kitchen, after you finish frying egg:

What the hell?
9. When you chop onions without slicing off your fingers.

You better put some respect on my name.
10. You, trying to properly plate food when you have a guest:

Cornflakes à la something.
11. You, patting yourself on the back after making another stir fry:

It’s not easy, abeg.