Why stress yourself wondering how to make it in life when you can just become a Mummy G.O? This article will detail the exact steps you need to succeed on the path of General Overseeing.
It’s not an easy path, but being able to flex “Mummy G.O” on your bio will make it totally worth it.
1. Start small
By small, we don’t mean too small that your efforts go unnoticed; a little thuggery, tout lifestyle, and drug pushing here and there should do.
2. Locate the kingdom of darkness
If you can’t find the location on Google Maps, then maybe you already arrived there. Welcome to Nigeria.

3. Schedule a face-to-face meeting with Lucifer
The meeting will most likely hold in Hell, but fear not, you won’t burn for Lucifer is with thee. Prepare for a genital meet and greet sha, because he might want to marry you like Lady Ghana, sorry, Gaga.

4. Enroll for hieroglyphics courses
You never know what lies behind the symbols and words you see daily. W could very well be 6.
5. Denounce football
If you have a strong attachment to football and Titus fish, forget it. You can never be ordained a Mummy G.O, hence, you won’t make it in life.
6. Get arrested
If the police are asleep, don’t worry, Jesus will do it. You just have to cooperate.

At this stage, you should be an Executive candidate for MummyGO-ship. This brings us to the next steps…

7. Develop an appetite for meetings
This means no more late coming like you do at your normal work meetings, apt note taking and be ready to travel at short notice – think Russia, California and Iran. You’ll sha be living the life.

8. Establish yourself as an expert in acronyms
As an expert, people will dobale when you make statements. Even if you declare that J.E.A.N.S stands for Global Uniform of Antichrist.

9. Enroll for brand strategy and growth hacking courses
You need all the resources you can get to effectively gather souls, control hearts and expand the kingdom. Anybody that dares to oppose you, HELLFIRE straight.

10. Don’t forget your glasses
This is the icing on the cake. Make sure you are never seen without it. Remain blessed, ma.

Go in peace, and not in pieces, brethren.