Christmas is the season to give gifts to people including those you have hurt. Who knows, maybe your gifts will communicate your apologies better than your words can. Here are a list of gift ideas for a lover you are cheating on:
1. Sunglasses
So they can’t see you cheating.

2. Your wedding invitation
This will only be considered a gift if it comes in those fancy boxes that sing when you open them. Anything else is wickedness.

3. A photo album filled pictures of you
Especially if you have been traveling with your other partner. When they ask whose leg is in almost all the pictures, pick a fight.

4. A jar filled with 365 reasons why you can no longer be with them
Before they finish reading everything, you must have left their house. A+ gift.

5. A trip to a diagnostic center
Because you might have given them something. Pay for the tests and medications if it gets to that because you did them dirty.

6. Earpods
So they can block their ears while you’re doing your thing. It has to an ear pod with the noise cancellation if your really want this to work.

7. PlayStation 5
Your partner has probably been hyped about PS 5 since it dropped. The least you can do is to figure out how to get it for them.

8. Staycation
You can plan a trip to a beach house or book an Airbnb away from the world. This is the best way to confess that the devil has been using you all year.

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