Let’s start with this video from the MD of Access Bank:
Access Bank lean measures may affect 75% of its staff.

All those lost jobs in the middle of this crisis. Security men, tea boys, cleaners.
The CEO offered to take a 40% pay cut.

I prefer not to speak.
People had this to say about the video:
I can’t deal.
Another perspective.
In response to the video, the Central Bank released this circular:

No bank shall retrench or lay-off staff in any cadre:

Plug it to my veins. Whew.
Access Bank sha tried to do control damage and they said this:

The silver lining here is that Access Bank can’t take any action without the approval of the Central Bank. So, all we can do is wait and see what happens in the coming days. I surely hope they find an amicable middle ground for both business and employees.
While we wait, it’s important that we all keep safe and take all the necessary precautions needed to beat this virus. Stay at home if you can.

We are all in this together!
If you need to relax your mind away from stressful things, read the stack below: