While there is a lot of information on how to prevent getting Coronavirus, there is not a lot of help regarding what to do if you suspect that you are infected. If we are being honest, as Nigerians living in Nigeria, there’s only so much you can do to avoid getting infected because we lack the infrastructure to properly self-isolate. This means that we are fucked.
So, to cover all bases, your friends at Zikoko created a handy guide on how to prepare in case you get infected.
First, the Coronavirus is not a death sentence if properly managed. That knowledge is the first step to beating this virus. This is because it helps you not to panic and to follow the instructions below.

So, what do I need to know?
The virus causes nasty breathing problems. Think of something more uncomfortable than cold and catarrh. So, think of all your cold symptoms such as sniffling, headache, temperature, etc. Now is the time to stock up on paracetamol, wipes for cleaning your nose, some honey and lemon. All these help with relieving the symptoms that usually present with this illness. If you are experiencing high body temperature, take paracetamol over any form of “strong” painkiller because it is the safest for now.

Water, e no get enemy.
If you suspect that you are infected you want to be drinking a lot of water. Drink plenty of water because it plays a huge role in regulating body temperature along with transporting essential nutrients round the body. While staying hydrated can’t protect you against getting infected, it can help with recovery.

Rest, rest, rest!
This is not the time to be outside. You should not leave your house even if you start to feel better because you may be infectious. Isolate at home for the next fourteen days and avoid contact with elderly people. Also, ask your family members to leave supplies outside and keep their distance from you. Better to be safe than sorry. It is also important that the rest of the family members stay quarantined for the next 14 days as they may also be infected.

Don’t panic.
To avoid overwhelming healthcare workers, don’t go to the hospital UNLESS you have difficulty breathing or a very high (39 degrees Celsius) fever which is unmanaged by medications. Healthy adults with no previous complications and underlying diseases have bounced back with rest and home medications.
However, if you show any of the above signs, call the Nigerian Center for Disease Control on their toll-free numbers for more information on what to do next. This is because leaving your house to go to a hospital without proper protocol can result in more infections thus spreading the virus more.

If you have any pre-existing condition, you should talk to your healthcare provider on how they would like you to proceed if you get sick.
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