Last month, the Nigerian government resumed giving both the first and second dose of the coronavirus vaccine. It is important that every Nigerian over the age of 18 gets vaccinated to protect themselves from the deadly virus. With the new strains of the deadly covid-19 virus, the importance of a vaccine cannot be overstated. The vaccine being issued in Nigeria is the AstraZeneca vaccine (also known as the Oxford vaccine). Here’s all you need to know about the covid vaccine:
Where to get the coronavirus vaccine
With a population of 200 million people, only 3.4 million people have been vaccinated in Nigeria and only about half of that number have been fully vaccinated. Please visit any primary health care centre close to you for information on the time and days the vaccine is being given. Click here to view a list of approved vaccination centres in Lagos. For other states, visit your closest health centre for information about approved vaccination centres.
Why you should get the coronavirus vaccine
You should get vaccinated so you can live long and enjoy your life. Getting the vaccine is an important step in protecting yourself and the ones you love from dying from the Covid-19 virus. It is also a step in restoring normalcy to the world.

What to expect after getting the coronavirus vaccine
Everyone reacts differently to things, so the reaction to the side effect of the vaccine differs. It is advised that people use painkillers before taking the vaccine. The reaction to the side effects of the vaccine does not last long enough to scare you away from getting the vaccine.
What to do after getting the vaccine
The vaccine does not offer 100% protection. It drastically reduces the chances of getting sick or dying if you get the virus again, which is more likely than you think, seeing as the Alpha and Delta covid variants are now a thing. Please continue to wash your hands, wear a mask and practise social distancing.

Please do the responsible thing, stay safe, stay protected and get your Covid-19 vaccine shot.