The inflation is inflationing, but that shouldn’t keep you from sending something valuable to your Muslim friends this Ramadan. Start with a Ramadan fruit basket to show you’re all about their well-being without breaking the bank.

Photo source: Nairaland
Watermelons are 90% liquid and a great choice for anyone who’s been dehydrated for hours. A small to medium-sized watermelon should set you back about ₦3000 – 3500. Watermelon slices sell for ₦150 – 200.

Photo source: Next Cash and Carry
If your Muslim friend or relative has a sweet tooth, you can replace the watermelon with a pineapple. A small to medium-sized one costs about ₦1200 – 2500. Pineapples contain vitamins A and C, and are great options for rehydrating a fasting Muslim.

Photo source: BO Farms
Apples have great water content and are rich in vitamins A and C, which help reduce skin issues. A medium-sized apple costs about ₦200 – 250, which means a dozen will cost no more than ₦3000.

Photo source: KitchenButterfly
Oranges are rich in vitamin C and water, and are probably the cheapest option on this list. A dozen medium-sized oranges cost between ₦1000 – 1500. Go for the vibrant yellow, slightly heavy ones if you want them juicy.

Photo source: Mile12Market
Grapefruit isn’t as sweet as an orange, but it’s another vitamin C-rich fruit with high water content. A dozen in your fruit basket should cost about ₦1500 – 3000.

Photo source: Fairway Market
If your friends and relatives find apples boring, add some plums in that fruit basket. They’re rich in water content and are good for bone health. A medium-sized plum sells for as high as ₦300 – 500. You can do half a dozen for your fruit basket.

Mangoes contain vitamins A, C and E, which are all effective in hydration. A dozen should cost about ₦1000 – 1500.
Ready to build a Ramadan fruit basket? Take this quiz first: Can You Unscramble These Fruits In 2 Minutes?