There’s nothing wrong with having a sweet tooth. But it’s very important for you to recognise when your own has gone from sweet tooth to sweet teeth. If you can relate with more than 5 things on this list, it might be time to seek help. Diabetes is real.
This is how you add more sugar to your garri after you’ve already put in ten cubes.

This is you once you’ve not had sugar for twenty four hours.

If you drink one bottle of water in a day that means you’ve had 5 bottles of coke.

You always have something sweet on you no matter where you are.

You can eat cake for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Then wake up the next day and eat it for breakfast again.

This is your face when someone asks you don’t you think you are having too much sugar.

You have to eat something sweet after every single meal.

Even if the meal was something sweet like custard, you’ll still eat chocolate after.
You never run out of sweet things to eat because you have them stashed in every corner of your house and office.

Ice-cream doesn’t count as comfort food to you because you eat it everyday.

When everyone is buying a bag of popcorn at the movies you have to buy two or three bags.

When you hear someone say something like sugar spoils their appetite.

When you think of how much you spend on buying sweet things every month.

When someone tastes something you are eating then says that it’s too sweet.