Dearly Beloved,
We are gathered here to witness the launching of two new amazing flagships from the good people of Zikoko.

In true Zikoko fashion, both of these flagships take a look at what it means to be young, alive and exist with other human beings. But the gag is that they explore two sides of the same weird coin called relationships.
What are their names, you ask?
Sunken Ships
Ships are meant to float. Whether it’s a vessel importing cars nobody can really afford, or the 8-month situationship you’re surprised you’re still a part of. But what happens when these ships sink? What happens when you don’t speak to your mother or your best friend anymore? Do we ever really talk about the hurt, blame and all the many shady things that happen when your ship sinks? Yes. Zikoko does.

From tomorrow, Friday the 13th of May 2022 and every Friday after, Itohan will be speaking to real people about the real problems that caused their relationships to hit the rocks. Follow her as she tries to find out where things went wrong and who did what to who?
We celebrate love when we find it, it’s only right we ask questions when we lose it.
Astor & Hassan Vs. The World
Speaking of ships, these two are the most chaotic pair I have ever had the pleasure of working with.

Astor is a senior editor here at Zikoko and the writer of the hilarious So You Don’t Have To series. Hassan was also a senior editor here at Zikoko and together they decided it would be a good idea to take their friendship and occasional insanity to different places. And of course, we said yes.
Astor & Hassan Vs. The World is an original series from Zikoko and will be coming to you every Friday.
If anyone has any reason why these two flagships should not be launched, please keep it in your pocket, there’s no stopping them now.

And for those of you ready for the ride, strap in because Fridays will never be the same.