Some of you asked, and we’re now making it possible to financially support Zikoko’s effort in making all the content you love. From bants that make long days shorter to stories that drive thoughtful conversations, people everywhere are turning to Zikoko, more than ever.
It’s a strong testament to how we think about the work we do – Zikoko is your friend. The one you can depend on to show you a world of stories that matter that you didn’t know existed, or quite frankly, tell you what type of cement you are.
2020 has been a weird year.
People and businesses are feeling the heat, especially media companies like us – no thanks to the Rona.
Still, we believe that the work we do is important enough that it must be protected at all costs.
It’s why we’re asking you to support the work.
By supporting us, you help us experiment more aggressively with new ways to keep making the content you love, and get to the heart of the issues you care about.
When you support us:
- You get member-only emails once a month, a round-up of what we’ve been up to, and get a sense of what’s under the Zikoko hood.
- You get first hand information on what to expect from Zikoko in the future.
- We get to just, you know, love you a lot.
Our first mission.
We’re going full throttle on our Citizen category. In the past few weeks, we’ve been covering stories around the #EndSARS protests, SARS and police brutality. In doing this, we discovered the knowledge gap; citizens across Nigeria kept asking: what do these policies mean for us, and what should we be doing about them? This led to the launch of the Citizen category.

With Citizen, we want to educate, drive action, and amplify every effort to increase impact. We’re going to take everything we’ve learned making content in every format, and use it to pack the strongest punch. Learn more here.
We need everyone on board. We need you. For you, it’s a contribution and commitment; for everyone at Zikoko, it’s an act of solidarity, and in fact, an act of love.
Make a financial commitment to keep Zikoko zikoko-ing.