I saw this tweet and it had me, a resident broke person, thinking. There’s no foolproof method on how to survive on ₦15,000 a month but I wrote this guide last month.
This one is for those of you that didn’t read it.
1. Plan your budget
Budget which family member you are cutting off and do you really need a romantic interest right now in the midst of poverty? You can even remove drinking water and drink from the tap. If poverty doesn’t get you, dehydration will.

2. Announce to your boss that you’re now working from home
If they can pay you a salary that leaves you with just ₦15,000 at the end of the month, they can survive without you for a couple of days.

3. There is rice at home
Rice can roughly be translated to mean garri, noodles, beans, and bread. It’s time to hone all the cooking skills you learnt during lockdown.

4. Avoid going to a church
Notice how it’s always when you’re broke that your pastor would be lead to tell you to empty your bank account? You’ve been warned. Except they share food in your church then please, run there.

5. Start a food truck
Pay a carpenter ₦4000 to build a small table and stool, use another ₦4000 to invest into the food you want to sell. There you have it, surviving on ₦15,000 like the boss you are.

6. Cut down on soda
You’ve been talking about how you want to do this for years, well now’s your chance. Water is healthier after all

7. Go to a money doubler
This is your best chance at surviving, there are plenty of money doublers in your Instagram inbox, check for the one that goes with your spirit and let the money in your bank account rise

God to you when you’re left with 15k again next month: