Welcome to a new month! We’ve complied a list of some of our best quizzes from October 2021 for you to enjoy.
1. QUIZ: Don’t Call Yourself An Introvert If You Can’t Score 9/20 On This Quiz

Are you really an introvert if you can’t relate to at least 9 things here?
2. QUIZ: Only Nigerians With Home Training Can Get To The End Of This Quiz

You’re meeting your partner’s parents for the first time at a family lunch. Make it to the end of this quiz to prove you have home training.
3. QUIZ: If You Can Identify 10/13 Of These Nollywood Actors, You’re Officially Old

How many Nollywood actors can you recognize? Take the quiz.
4. Quiz: If You Get 8/13 On This JSS3 Literature Quiz, You Are Creative Now

Can you prove that you are a creative? We’ve compiled some JSS3 Literature questions to help you do that. Score at least 8 to prove your point.
4. QUIZ: Sorry, But You’re Definitely Weird If You Get 10/21 On This Quiz

We hate to break it to you, but you’re weird if you get up to 10 on this quiz. Are you?
5. QUIZ: Which Squid Game Player Are You?

Would you be a smart Squid Game player or would you be a weak one? Take this quiz and we’ll tell you.
6. QUIZ: How Far Would You Have Gone In Squid Game?

Do you have what it takes to make it to the end of Squid Game or would you have been eliminated at the first game? Take this quiz to find out.
7. QUIZ: Only People That Paid Attention In English Class Will Finish This Quiz

If you didn’t pay attention in English class, there’s no way you’ll make it to the end of this parts of speech quiz. Did you?
If you fail a question, the entire quiz ends.