August is over, and here are some of our best quizzes from August. Enjoy:
1. QUIZ: Only Ajebutters Can Get 10/21 On This Quiz

Some people like to form ajepako when they’re really ajebutter. Are you one of them?
Let’s find out.
2. QUIZ: Sorry, If You’re Under 25 There’s No Way You Can Pass This Object Quiz

This quiz will either trigger nostalgia or make you realize how old you are. Which will it be?
Take the quiz to find out.
3. QUIZ: Create A Bridesmaid Outfit, And We’ll Guess Your Shoe Size

Can we accurately guess your shoe size based on your style choices?
Let’s find out.
4. QUIZ: Only Ajepakos Can Unscramble 9/12 Of These Pidgin Words In 1 Minute

Can you unscramble these words before the timer runs out or are you an ajebo?
5. QUIZ: Can You Identify These Wizkid Music Videos From One Screenshot?

6. QUIZ: Only Smart Nigerians Can Tell What Songs These Lyrics Are From

We have altered the lyrics of some of your favourite Nigerian songs. Are you smart enough to match the lyrics to the song?
7. QUIZ: Can You Name All 7 Countries That Start With “U” In 1 Minute?

There are 7 countries in the world that start with “U”. Only the smartest people can name them before the timer runs out? Are you one of them?