No need to go meet your resident Babalawo when we are here. We’ve graciously compiled 11 quizzes that can accurately predict your future, from when you’ll marry to when you’ll get your dream job.
1. What’s The First Letter Of Your Future Spouse’s Name?

Does your future spouse’s name begin with a D or an O? Take the quiz.
2. When Will You Have Sex Next?

In 30 minutes or a year? Take the quiz.
3. Can We Guess When You’ll Marry?

Will you be single FOREVER? Take the quiz.
4. When Will You Get Your Dream Job?

In a week or 3 years? Take the quiz.
5. How Much Of A Nigerian Parent Will You Be?

On a scale of 0 to “pass me the remote”. Take the quiz.
6. What Will Be Your Relationship Status At The End Of This Year?

Married, engaged or single AF? Take the quiz.
7. Can We Guess When You’ll Have Your First Child?

In 9 months or a decade? Take the quiz.
8. What Kind Of Spouse Will You Be?

Will you be a romantic spouse or a detached one? Take the quiz.
9. When Exactly Will You Become Filthy Rich?

Will you be filthy rich in a few months or a decade? Take the quiz.
10. Which Nigerian City Will You Settle In?

Lagos, Abuja or Port Harcourt? Take the quiz.
11. Who Will You Sleep With Next?

Your co-worker or your neighbour? Take the quiz.