There’s so much music out there that it’s hard for even the most loyal fans to stay up with their favourite artists or what’s new and hot right now. That’s why we’ve created #BumpThis – a daily series that features the one song you need to listen to, every day. Don’t say we never did anything for you.
It’s hard to pin Ezi Emela or her music down. The sultry singer has a habit for showing up with infrequent releases, only to withdraw from the public eye just as quickly. Hers is not an unusual case. Emerging artists often have to balance their efforts, visibility and expectations in a space where talent, or a great brand, isn’t enough to assure success. But the singer is relatively well-known, even if you can’t help but think she should be a lot bigger than she is.

On her newest release, “Tables Turn”, Ezi Emela addresses the empty promises and disloyalty that may have affected her pace and led many to see her as a hobbyist in the last few years. Against the backdrop of trap drums and a light piano riff, the singer holds little back and calls out everyone who’s selling her dreams and wasting her time. She doesn’t go as far as calling names but as usual, the singer’s in diva mode. The sensuality that runs through all her music combines with a level of aggression that forces you or anyone who’s called her gift into question to see her in a new light.
“You gon’ learn that the tables turn”, the most recurring line on the song, sounds like a warning. We can’t wait to see how she plans to prove her point.