If the Twitter timeline dumpster fire that occurred on International Women’s Day 2020 taught us anything, it’s that Nigerian brands suck when it comes to customized messages that are meant to celebrate holidays and market at the same time. Easter 2020 was no different.
Here are 10 funny ones we saw.

All this brought to my mind was the visuals of Jesus hanging on the cross in agony and an angel showing up with Jesus’ phone being like, “Hey Jesus. I know you’re in all kinds of unimaginable pain right now but you actually forgot to confirm this transfer. Oh, you can’t move because you’ve been nailed to a cross? Sorry about that. Well, if you tell me your pin, I can do it for you. Lol”
2) Access Bank

The same scenario as the one above but with a POS machine instead of a phone.
3) Barter

The most insane thing about this one (apart from the anachronism of it all) is that Judas stores the number he’s chatting with as “Pharisees“. Did all the Pharisees share one phone like the Grey Sisters in Greek mythology shared one eye? Also, why does this read like Judas was planning to skip town with the money?
4) A Creative Expression

I like that these people tried to kill two birds with one stone by sneaking in a COVID-19 safety tip. However, this poster focuses too much on Pontius Pilate and not enough on Jesus (the main reason Easter is even a thing), which I think is fucking hilarious.
5) Eyowo


Translation: Jesus wasn’t an onigbese, which means you have no reason to be one. Be like Jesus. Pay your fucking taxes.
7) Sterling

Well, I didn’t get nailed to a cross and then hung up to die so I think I had a much better Friday than Jesus did. Even with Miss Rona doing her thing.
8) This Shoe Company

This is the most out-of-pocket one of them all. THIS is the kind of shit that would’ve gotten a nigga struck by lightning in the old testament, no explanations given.
9) Telenergy

Lmao. Everyone loves a good, cheesy pun.
10) Sterling (again)

🎶Can we go back, this is the moment
Tonight is the night, we’ll fight till it’s over
So we put our hands up cause the tomb can’t hold us
Cause the tomb can’t hold us🎶
Article inspired by a Twitter thread made by user @LipglossMAFFIA.
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