They walk among us, these people. Every small opportunity they have, they want to stick their noses in your business. If they don’t see an opportunity, they’ll make one themselves.
If you meet a person who does at least four of these things, run.
People who look at your phone in public
It’s almost like they want to say, “You’re scrolling too fast. I’ve not finished reading that last text”.
People who use GB WhatsApp
GB WhatsApp people can read status updates that have expired. They can even read the ones you’ve deleted. I wouldn’t be surprised if I found out GB WhatsApp allows you hack into someone’s phone and see through their camera.
People who use these emoticons “👀😏🌚”
You’ll post a simple photo on your status, next thing, they’ll reply, 👀. Be wary of these people.
People who love house visits
“Are you around?”
For what? No, tell me. FOR WHAT?
“Are you people dating?” people
These ones can’t see you with someone and resist the urge to ask if you’re sleeping together. They must find out.
People who ask for your CGPA
Please, uncle Tunde, respect yourself. Why are you asking about my current CGPA? Are you paying my school fees? Why are you asking what I graduated with? Do you have work for me?
People who can’t stop asking if you’ve added weight
This is not a compliment. Leave me alone, Aunty Bisi.
“Ahn ahn, why do you like this shirt so much?”

This one is more than not minding one’s business. It’s pure evil. These people are wicked.
People who ask about your ex unprovoked
“You people broke up?”
“What happened?”
“Whose fault was it?”