If you went to a Nigerian primary or secondary school, there’s a high chance you were mandated to bring a tiny blue book called Songs of Praise (SOP) to assembly every morning. If you didn’t being that book, you probably chopped a few strokes of cane or served a punishment.
Songs of Praise songs slapped differently, so on today”s episode of Nostalgia by Zikoko, we bring you your favourite SOP songs.
1. The OG: “All things bright and beautiful…”

We can bet you know this one from A to Z even now. It was just that jam.
2. “There is a green hill far away…”

Was the plan to make us sad at assemblies? Because this song about Jesus’ crucifixion was just a bit too deep.
3. “Lead us heavenly Father, lead us.”

Where this song hits hardest is where it goes, “Guard us, guide us, keep us, feed us, for we have no help but thee!” We sang it with so much passion like we could already tell that adulthood was gonna be the ghetto.
4. “Praise him, praise him, praise him, praise him, praise the everlastingggg king.”

Even if you didn’t know any other part of this song, once the chorus came up, you screamed at the top of your lungs. Good times.
5. “For his mercies they endure, ever faithful, ever pure.”

This one sounded like a call and response. The response was for the people that didn’t bring their hymn books to assembly.
6. “Stand up, stand up for — stand up for Jesus!”

This one was a war cry. The boys loved it.
7. “Rock of ages, cleft for me.”

“Let me hiiiiiiiiide myself in thee.”
Till today, I don”t know what “cleft” means.
8. “Amazing grace, how sweet the sound.”

They’d ask us to sing this one after preaching salvation. Always hit the spot.
9. “Immortal, invisible God, only wise…”

“Most glorious, most holy, the ancient of days… almighty, victorious, thy great name we praise.”
10. “Come, come and worship”

Come, come and — COME AND WORSHIP, come and — COME AND WORSHIP, come and WORRRRRSHIPPPPPP!
11. “Oh Jesus I have promised to love thee till the end”

Do you still love Jesus?