1. When you first get your phone and your autocorrect is not even correcting you.

2. After a while, autocorrect starts acting like it knows more than you.

Stay in your lane please.
3. When autocorrect starts correcting and replacing your name in your own phone.

Time to deactivate you.
4. When you’re angry and want to swear but it won’t even let you.

Did I buy you or did you buy me?!
5. When you’re typing nonsense thinking autocorrect has your back and it leaves your nonsense for you like that.

What a betrayed!
6. When you’re typing in your native language and it’s still trying to mind your business for you.

Mo ti gbo –> Month to go. Be careful please!
7. When autocorrect changes ‘food’ to ‘good’ in your worst moments of hunger.

How dare you?!
8. When you’ve typed and retyped a word six times because your autocorrect won’t let you move forward.

I’m not doing again.
9. When you type an insult to someone and send it but you can blame it on autocorrect.

Wasn’t me.
10. When autocorrect changes ‘OMW’ to ‘On my way!’, even though you’ve still not left your house.

Why so excited?!
11. When autocorrect starts suggesting words to complete your sentence.

You don’t know me.
12. When you’re helping your parents type messages on their ‘unsmart’ phones and you’re missing autocorrect.

I’m sorry. Come back please.
13. When it tries to correct your slang.

Better behave.