Growing up, Saturdays used to be fun thanks to Cadbury Nigeria and Silverbird television. However, these days, as an adult, Saturdays are filled with unfinished work from the week before. If you are lucky, maybe a nice outing or mild to moderate fornication. Still, all these don’t fill the void the way cartoons used to as kids.
We present, a list of shows that made growing up bearable:
1) Freakazoid!
I can hear the theme song playing in my head:
Super-teen extraordinaire
Freakazoid! Freakazoid!
Runs around in underwear
Freakazoid! Freakazoid!

2) Family Matters:
Oh, sweet boy Steve Urkel. Precious precious boy

3) Biker Mice:
Biker mice from marssss. The intro sent enough chills that you had to beg NEPA not to take light. It was preferable to not even have light to watch it than to start and get cut off mid-way through an episode. It was that good!

4) Animaniacs
It’s time for Animaniacs. What struck me the most was how destructive and troublesome they were. I was always stressed to see what new trouble they could conjure. Whew. Under the Animaniacs universe, one of my favorite cartoons was the one about the chicken pretending to be human. Chicken boo?

5) Tom and Jerry Kids
Just look at how adorable they look but looks are deceiving.

6) The KKB show
Memory is a tricky thing and I don’t recall if this was part of the Cadbury show or just a Saturday special. Anyhow, my meat! my personal meat! will forever reign supreme in my head. After all, Kids know besssstt.

Honorable shout out to Golden Rockerz, Last Kid Standing, Work It Out, Tales by Moonlight, Fun Time.