Like Zeeworld movies, Phillipine movies also come with a method. And an annoying one too. And of course because i am a hater who always comes prepared, here’s a list of 6 annoying things about Phillipine movies to give you perspective.
1. They are always misplacing their children.
Case in point: Mara and Clara. The story of twins misplaced at birth who later meet somehow in the future with one twin being rich and the other being poor. Like how?
2. Or they lost their memory.

These people have romanticed memory loss and amnesia. Talmabout; Where am I? Who am i? You’re on earth child. You finish watching an episode and suddenly feel like after mascara the next thing you need to apply is some memory loss.
2. There is always the rich boy poor girl dynamic.
Can’t two rich people fall in love? And can’t two poor people fall in love? Is love now an economic statement? Do we need to start a twitter call out fest before you people realize that poor people can fall in love too?
3. Then someone always does a perfect plastic surgery to become someone else to confuse both the audience and characters.
This caption is actually your best shot at understanding what goes on there.
4. The Lip syncing.
Yes, we can tell the actors are speaking in a language that is not English.
5. The only thing everybody is always interested in is falling in love.
Which makes me wonder if the government sponsors their existence and pays for all the fine clothes they are always rocking.
6. Too many plot twists.

First he died, then he wasn’t really dead, then he started living elsewhere and fell in love afresh, then he died again, then he went back to his first love. One person o. You miss one episode and everything just falls apart.