Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie is many things. Writer, Artiste (ah mean she had that song with Beyonce and everything). Bad belle people will call her a feminist troublemaker, but it’s not her fault that she likes to speak her mind, is it? One thing that CNA also is a bad ass fashion killer, and here are ten times her outfits nearly killed us dead:
1. That time she was looking like a very fashionable bumblebee:

2. That time she was looking just absolutely flawless:

3. That time she was serving serious black and white inspiration:

4. Who says you cannot cover up and still slay anyhow?

5. The bahdest that ever liveth!

6. That time she brought the runway look to life:

7. Have you ever seen a set of colours go together so well?

8. That time she was busy looking like a peng ting:

9. That time she giving us life in white:

10. All hail the slay queen!