Those who are used to Lagos traffic know that it’s a self-inflicted crime to leave your home less than two hours before the intended arrival time of wherever you’re going. Because you will get there three hours late.

Don’t question this. Lagos logic is insane. Especially when it concerns traffic.
So I thought I was being smart that day when I woke up super early to beat traffic, getting to the bus stop at 5 AM. (Four hours before my resumption time at work.) The crowd I met there and the hike in bus fares made me suspicious of the journey I was about to embark on. But I paid the high fare and consoled myself with the fact that I’d at least get to work on time, regardless of the traffic situation.
I had no idea how wrong I was.

The traffic was of biblical proportions. We got to Ikeja-Along, Agege motor road axis by 9 AM. At Dopemu under bridge, I saw the endless line of vehicles frozen ahead of me but convinced myself that it couldn’t be that bad.
I was wrong again.

The heat, lack of legroom in the bus, and noise from car horns were enough to drive a person insane. When we finally got to Oshodi bus stop by NOON, my frustration was written all over my face. I saw a few passengers cross the road to head back home. “What’s the point of entering the office by this time?” I heard one guy say.
He had a point sha. I wish I had that luxury.

I got to the office by 1 PM. After I narrated my ordeal to my colleagues (and gotten a few “sorrys” and “eh yas”), one of them asked me to download the bike-hailing app named Gokada if I didn’t want history to repeat itself. I tried it on my way home later that day and smiled widely as I saw people trapped in traffic.

Look, Lagos traffic might be actively trying to kill you, but you don’t have to let it win. Live the stress-free baby boy/girl life you’ve always wanted by using Gokada to avoid traffic.