Nigerian music videos are one of the most predictable entertainment options out there. You can tell what they video will look like once you hear the song. No creativity employed, no original content, just vibes and repeatedly used and terribly clichéd outlines as seen on this list.
1. A flashy car.

The operating term here being “flashy”. You need the kind of car that most Nigerians can never afford (including you), the ones with exotic names like Bugatti and Ferrari. If we see any Toyota Camry or KIA anything you are cancelled.
2. A flashy house too.

You will also need a really big fancy house with more rooms than you need and king sized beds. We’d like to see a fireplace by the corner too, never mind that we don’t really need it here.
3. Fine girls. A lot of fine girls.

Not one, not two, not three but plenty fine girls
4. Twerks.

The entire video can even be just one girl twerking and everything will be alright. As a matter of fact, if you have to choose between some twerking and deep lyrics, by all means show us those twerks. The only place “deep” works is Twitter.
5. Lyrics about the fine girls and how they will finish your money but you don’t really mind because your money is plenty.

Or a girlfriend that left you when you were broke and now you have enough money to buy her, her family and her entire village.
Bonus: A pool.

Sometimes you only need it as a prop, but other times you need hot twerking girls in it. It’s you call really.
There you have it, the complete outline to making a Nigerian music video. You’re welcome.
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